The mission of the Watchung Detective Bureau is to support the Patrol Division in investigating all crimes that occur within the Borough of Watchung. Our division pursues cases that require detailed investigative or technical expertise.
Watchung is very diverse in its geography. It has a very busy highway and shopping district on the south side and a suburban/residential community to the North. This creates a unique opportunity to investigate all types of incidents, from violent crimes, identity thefts, frauds, cyber crimes, juvenile matters and to smaller quality of life issues.
The detective bureau works on investigations in conjunction with several other agencies, including the: Somerset County Prosecutor's Office, New Jersey State Police, FBI, United States Secret Service and other local municipal departments.
The bureau is comprised of dedicated detectives that work relentlessly for the victim, no matter how small the incident may be perceived. Although not every investigation will result in an arrest or a favorable outcome, every incident will be professionally investigated and brought to a logical conclusion.
Sergeant Jason Moberly
908-756-3663 x112