The Watchung Police Department's Patrol Division is the backbone of a service oriented department that responds to an average of 15,000 calls for service and arrests an average of 600 adults per year.
Watchung's Patrol Division consists of a Patrol Commander, four Sergeants, sixteen Officers and four civilian dispatchers. This unit is responsible for patrolling the Borough's six square miles, including a one mile stretch of Rt. 22 featuring three shopping malls, a movie theater, and a significant amount of retail and commercial space.
The general duties and responsibilities of the Patrol Division include providing public safety, responding to calls for service, enforcing traffic laws, investigating motor vehicle accidents, assisting stranded motorists, providing first aid, and the initial investigation of crimes and offenses. In addition to the duties and responsibilities listed above, the Watchung Police Department strives to assist our residents and any visitors to our community however possible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Lieutenant James Kimock
908-756-3663 x125